
My critically-acclaimed security guide for PHP developers.

Selected Articles & Blog Posts
This modest post became a cornerstone of web app security.
In 2011, I wrote a post about the growing misuse of JavaScript that remains relevant today.
This was the first dedicated article on CSRF. One year earlier, Foiling Cross-Site Attacks covered both CSRF and XSS.
Published by PHP Architect
In 2008, I pioneered the concept of URL sentences with my friend Jon Tan. Two years later, I wrote this post about it.
Before welcoming Viktoria Harrison to the stage at Brooklyn Beta, I shared these two lessons.
In 2006, I discovered a critical security vulnerability in Amazon. One year later, I published this post about it.
Before Typekit, Fontdeck, and Google Fonts, when the idea of web fonts was nascent, I wrote this post in an attempt to make sense of it all.
10 Advanced PHP Tips Revisited
This was a professional rebuttal to an article on Smashing Magazine. Sean Coates and I go through each and every tip from the original article and either validate and clarify it, or refute it.
Published by Smashing Magazine
On the heels of the news that LinkedIn had leaked 6.5 million passwords, some friends and I made a site called LeakedIn to let you know if your password was one of them.