• Quoting Ethan Mollick Simon Willison

    Among many misunderstandings, [users] expect the RAG system to work like a search engine, not as a flawed, forgetful analyst. They will not do the work that you expect them to do in order to veri…

    Yesterday · 19:46
  • NASA Used Futura All Over the Apollo 11 Mission Jason Kottke

    Futura, the typeface favored by the likes of filmmakers Stanley Kubrick and Wes Anderson was also used extensively for NASA’s Apollo 11 mission (along with an American knock-off of Fu…

    Yesterday · 11:09
  • Hey, public voting is open for the Tiny Awards! I was on... Jason Kottke

    Hey, public voting is open for the Tiny Awards! I was on the judging committee so I can’t tell you my favorites, but there are lots of lovingly crafted, goofy, creative sites to choose from…

    Yesterday · 09:26
  • SENDUNE html email designers [link] Remy Sharp

    The SENDUNE email designer focuses on simplicity and ease of use. It is light-weight. It does pure HTML - no intermediate code wranglers like mjml. There is no lock-in of any kind. Save HTML output as…

    Yesterday · 09:03
  • Diary Comics, June 17 & 19 Jason Kottke

    Tags: diary comics 💬 Join the discussion on kottke.org →…

    Yesterday · 08:37
  • Image resize and quality comparison Simon Willison

    Image resize and quality comparison Another tiny tool I built with Claude 3.5 Sonnet and Artifacts. This one lets you select an image (or drag-drop one onto an area) and then displays that same…

    Yesterday · 07:20
  • Did you know about Instruments? Simon Willison

    Did you know about Instruments? Thorsten Ball shows how the macOS Instruments app (installed as part of Xcode) can be used to run a CPU profiler against any application - not just code written i…

    Yesterday · 07:06
  • Quoting Amir Efrati and Aaron Holmes Simon Willison

    Our estimate of OpenAI’s $4 billion in inference costs comes from a person with knowledge of the cluster of servers OpenAI rents from Microsoft. That cluster has the equivalent of 350,000 Nvidi…

    Two Days Ago · 15:35
  • The Origin & Evolution of Italian Stuffed Pasta Shapes Jason Kottke

    Using methods generally employed to track the evolution and spread of plants and animals over time and across geography, this paper aims to provide a scientific classification of Italian st…

    Two Days Ago · 15:20
  • Susannah Breslin discovers that you can post nudity on YouTube if it’s... Jason Kottke

    Susannah Breslin discovers that you can post nudity on YouTube if it’s artistic (or advertising?) “[YouTube’s policy] did not seem to allow for viewer interpretation.”…

    Two Days Ago · 14:39
  • Introducing sqlite-lembed: A SQLite extension for generating text embeddings locally Simon Willison

    Introducing sqlite-lembed: A SQLite extension for generating text embeddings locally Alex Garcia's latest SQLite extension is a C wrapper around the llama.cpp that exposes just its embedding sup…

    Two Days Ago · 14:30
  • AI crawlers need to be more respectful Simon Willison

    AI crawlers need to be more respectful Eric Holscher: At Read the Docs, we host documentation for many projects and are generally bot friendly, but the behavior of AI crawlers is currently caus…

    Two Days Ago · 14:02
  • An interview with YACHT’s Claire Evans & Jona Bechtolt on that indie... Jason Kottke

    An interview with YACHT’s Claire Evans & Jona Bechtolt on that indie life. “We’re not a brand. We’re not a company. We’re human beings. Of course it’s going to change every 30 sec…

    Two Days Ago · 14:00
  • Button Stealer Simon Willison

    Button Stealer Really fun Chrome extension by Anatoly Zenkov: it scans every web page you visit for things that look like buttons and stashes a copy of them, then provides a page where you can s…

    Two Days Ago · 13:40
  • Incredible Time Lapse Movies of Exoplanets Jason Kottke

    Ok, I did not know this, and it’s blowing my mind: we have been imaging exoplanets for such a long time that scientists have made time lapse movies of their motion around their stars. This…

    Two Days Ago · 13:00
  • wat Simon Willison

    wat This is a really neat Python debugging utility. Install with pip install wat-inspector and then inspect any Python object like this: from wat import wat wat / myvariable The wat / x syntax…

    Two Days Ago · 12:58
  • On her birthday, US Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who is Palestinian-American, wore a... Jason Kottke

    On her birthday, US Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who is Palestinian-American, wore a keffiyeh & held up a “Guilty of Genocide” sign during Netanyahu’s Congressional address. “It’s shameful t…

    Two Days Ago · 12:23
  • Fun little browser game: What Beats Rock?... Jason Kottke

    Fun little browser game: What Beats Rock? 💬 Join the discussion on kottke.org →…

    Two Days Ago · 11:39
  • Laura Dern was forced to drop out of UCLA’s film school to... Jason Kottke

    Laura Dern was forced to drop out of UCLA’s film school to star in Blue Velvet and the head of dept. called her “insane” for doing so. Now, the film is a requirement at the school. Dern…

    Two Days Ago · 10:57
  • “We Choose Freedom” Jason Kottke

    Vice President Kamala Harris has debuted her first ad for her presidential run and it’s a good one. First of all: Beyoncé. But also: “freedom” is a great theme for Harris. For too lo…

    Two Days Ago · 09:46
  • A recent book, Van Gogh and the End of Nature, is a... Jason Kottke

    A recent book, Van Gogh and the End of Nature, is a “radical revisioning” of van Gogh’s work “in relation to industrial pollution and climate change”.…

    Two Days Ago · 09:04
  • Tracing the evolution of a Python function with git log Joël Perras

    Have you ever been frustrated by the amount of noise you have to wade through with git log -p -- ? What if there was a way to narrow down the diff output so that you could see how a single function or…

    Three Days Ago · 18:00
  • Simple Advice for Personal Finance Jason Kottke

    The Index Card is a new book by Helaine Olen and Harold Pollack about simple advice for personal finance. The idea for the book came about when Pollack jotted down financial advice that wor…

    Three Days Ago · 16:22
  • “In supposedly affluent Western nations, the dire state or absence of public... Jason Kottke

    “In supposedly affluent Western nations, the dire state or absence of public toilets has become a universal nightmare, impacting the health and quality of life of all of us, but particularl…

    Three Days Ago · 15:19
  • A study of the world’s most, and least, walkable cities (and those... Jason Kottke

    A study of the world’s most, and least, walkable cities (and those that rely most on public transport). Shocking but not shocking: “The 100 least active cities in the study are all found…

    Three Days Ago · 14:39
  • Some good climate news: the pace of decarbonization in the US is... Jason Kottke

    Some good climate news: the pace of decarbonization in the US is increasing (due in part to Biden policies); we’re on track to “reduce GHG emissions by 38-56% below 2005 levels in 2035”…

    Three Days Ago · 13:52
  • All About U.S. — A Look at the Lives of 50 Real Kids from Across the United States Jason Kottke

    Matt Lamothe and Jenny Volvovski wrote an illustrated a new book called All About U.S. (Bookshop), which features a look into the lives of 50 kids from the US, one from each state. From the…

    Three Days Ago · 13:11
  • Shows Chris Coyier

    Over the last few months I watched… They were all kinda dark. I’m starting the Bear Season 3 now and we’ll see if I can take it. I might need something a little funnier or lighter or…

    Three Days Ago · 12:51
  • If you’re feeling nostalgic, here’s a version of MS Paint that works... Jason Kottke

    If you’re feeling nostalgic, here’s a version of MS Paint that works in the browser. 💬 Join the discussion on kottke.org →…

    Three Days Ago · 12:33
  • Google is the only search engine that works on Reddit now thanks to AI deal Simon Willison

    Google is the only search engine that works on Reddit now thanks to AI deal This is depressing. As of around June 25th reddit.com/robots.txt contains this: User-agent: * Disallow: / Along with…

    Three Days Ago · 12:29
  • The Gods of Logic: Benjamín Labatut (When We Cease to Understand the... Jason Kottke

    The Gods of Logic: Benjamín Labatut (When We Cease to Understand the World) on artificial intelligence. “It is never safe to call on the gods, or even come close to them.”…

    Three Days Ago · 11:43
  • Three Wins. David Hieatt

    If you can wait, you win..…

    Three Days Ago · 11:25
  • Books to Read to Understand Where Project 2025 Came From Jason Kottke

    Dr. Mara Einstein is an author and media studies professor with a special interest in religion & cults and she recently shared a list of books to read and movies to watch “in order to get…

    Three Days Ago · 11:02
  • In the latest data release, the UN’s global population peak projection was... Jason Kottke

    In the latest data release, the UN’s global population peak projection was revised downward to 10.3 billion people in 2084. “The global fertility rate has more than halved since the 1960s…

    Three Days Ago · 10:17
  • Mistral Large 2 Simon Willison

    Mistral Large 2 The second release of a GPT-4 class open weights model in two days, after yesterday's Llama 3.1 405B. The weights for this one are under Mistral's Research License, which "allows…

    Three Days Ago · 09:56
  • Martin Pollack writes about his Gestapo father and his family, who remained... Jason Kottke

    Martin Pollack writes about his Gestapo father and his family, who remained Nazis in spirit after the war. “My father did terrible things during the second world war, and my other relatives…

    Three Days Ago · 09:34
  • Ambient Witney 2: Bypass//Engage Jon Hicks

    After the success of the first Ambient Witney, Doug Tolley of Nine is the Level has organised another event for later this year. It now has a proper name 'Bypass//Engage' and has sponsorship from Chas…

    Three Days Ago · 05:10
  • Quoting The Llama 3 Herd of Models Simon Willison

    One interesting observation is the impact of environmental factors on training performance at scale. For Llama 3 405B , we noted a diurnal 1-2% throughput variation based on time-of-day. This flu…

    Four Days Ago · 17:26
  • llm-gguf Simon Willison

    llm-gguf I just released a new alpha plugin for LLM which adds support for running models from Meta's new Llama 3.1 family that have been packaged as GGUF files - it should work for other GGUF c…

    Four Days Ago · 16:18
  • 13-Year-Old Daredevil Jumps Trash Cans in Alley on “Junker Special” Bike Jason Kottke

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything that encapsulates the feeling of America in the 1970s more than this local news report about 13-year-old Terry “Evel Knievel” Bolinger and his…

    Four Days Ago · 16:17
  • Chronic Pain is Psychedelic. “In moments of extreme pain, physical or psychological,... Jason Kottke

    Chronic Pain is Psychedelic. “In moments of extreme pain, physical or psychological, we become stitched to the present moment. It becomes impossible not to be radically present.” See also…

    Four Days Ago · 15:35
  • Quoting Benj Edwards Simon Willison

    As we've noted many times since March, these benchmarks aren't necessarily scientifically sound and don't convey the subjective experience of interacting with AI language models. [...] We've inst…

    Four Days Ago · 15:14
  • Flint, MI is giving pregnant residents a “cash prescription” of $1500 during... Jason Kottke

    Flint, MI is giving pregnant residents a “cash prescription” of $1500 during pregnancy and $500/mo for the 1st year of the baby’s life. “In Flint, the poorest city in [Michigan], we a…

    Four Days Ago · 14:55
  • How Sci-Fi Movies Have Changed Since the 50s Jason Kottke

    In this visual essay (and video embedded above), Alvin Chang shows how science fiction movies have gotten darker and more complex since the 1950s, when many movies were set in the present w…

    Four Days Ago · 14:12
  • Livestream of a blooming corpse flower (you know, the big stinky one)... Jason Kottke

    Livestream of a blooming corpse flower (you know, the big stinky one) from Milk Barn Farm. “It’s an unusual thing to find in a greenhouse in Oregon. In fact, it may be the first time one…

    Four Days Ago · 13:27
  • “Trump’s Massive Deportation Plan Echoes Concentration Camp History” Jason Kottke

    Andrea Pitzer, who wrote about about the history of concentration camps in her 2017 book One Long Night, has a piece in Scientific American about the historical parallels between Trump’s de…

    Four Days Ago · 11:45
  • A generic version of a drug that’s “as close as we’ve ever... Jason Kottke

    A generic version of a drug that’s “as close as we’ve ever been to an HIV vaccine” could be made for $40 a year per patient (with a 30% profit). Current pricing by Gilead: $42,250 per…

    Four Days Ago · 10:59
  • Quoting Mark Zuckerberg Simon Willison

    I believe the Llama 3.1 release will be an inflection point in the industry where most developers begin to primarily use open source, and I expect that approach to only grow from here.— Mark Zu…

    Four Days Ago · 10:52
  • Kamala Harris is to the left of Joe Biden on health care... Jason Kottke

    Kamala Harris is to the left of Joe Biden on health care issues, particularly when it comes to reproductive freedom, support for Medicare for All, drug pricing, and health care antitrust.…

    Four Days Ago · 10:11
  • I played my second show Simon Collison

    On Saturday, I played a 45-minute set at Delia’s Third Happening. The audience, which included many friends old and new, was lovely, and the venue was be…

    Four Days Ago · 10:00
  • Introducing Llama 3.1: Our most capable models to date Simon Willison

    Introducing Llama 3.1: Our most capable models to date We've been waiting for the largest release of the Llama 3 model for a few months, and now we're getting a whole new model family instead. M…

    Four Days Ago · 09:40
  • From Scientific American: What to Know about Project 2025’s Dangers to Science.... Jason Kottke

    From Scientific American: What to Know about Project 2025’s Dangers to Science. Project 2025 “would sabotage science-based policies that address climate change, the environment, abortion,…

    Four Days Ago · 09:37
  • “Dark oxygen” source discovered on ocean floor. “The metal nodules are able... Jason Kottke

    “Dark oxygen” source discovered on ocean floor. “The metal nodules are able to make oxygen precisely because they act like batteries”, splitting seawater into hydrogen and oxygen.…

    Four Days Ago · 08:44
  • A Less Rigorous Version of Friendship Jason Kottke

    I read Kathryn Jezer-Morton’s newsletter about “a more lateral approach to Mother’s Day” back when it came out in May, and while I’m not the target audience, I keep thinking about t…

    Four Days Ago · 08:05
  • Bodycam footage of Aston Villa midfielder Youri Tielemans shows how quick and... Jason Kottke

    Bodycam footage of Aston Villa midfielder Youri Tielemans shows how quick and demanding Premier League football is, even in the preseason. 💬 Join the discussi…

    Four Days Ago · 07:31
  • Be Better not Bitter Tina Roth Eisenberg

    Be Better not Bitter by Folk.…

    Four Days Ago · 07:00
  • How to Have a Difficult Conversation Tina Roth Eisenberg

    I LOVE Jefferson Fisher’s content on Instagram. I have taken so many of his communication tips into my life. Incredibly helpful. He just recently launched podcast where he dives in a bit deeper.…

    Four Days Ago · 05:35
  • Tim Andraka Illustration Tina Roth Eisenberg

    I can never look at a rooster the same way again.…

    Four Days Ago · 05:32
  • To Be Hopeful Tina Roth Eisenberg

    “To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we…

    Four Days Ago · 05:28
  • Creativity Tina Roth Eisenberg

    “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein…

    Four Days Ago · 05:28
  • State of Events Marc Thiele

    If you know me, you know that my heart beats for hand crafted, human curated community events, where you can see and feel that people who care and wa…

    Four Days Ago · 04:19
  • sqlite-jiff Simon Willison

    sqlite-jiff I linked to the brand new Jiff datetime library yesterday. Alex Garcia has already used it for an experimental SQLite extension providing a timezone-aware jiff_duration() function -…

    The Other Day · 21:53
  • Screen reading eff eff conf [blog] Remy Sharp

    In a recent (personal) audit of accessibility and continued struggle to get my head around Voice Over (for macos), I remembered that the spoken sound of "ffconf" (as I'll usually display it)…

    The Other Day · 18:00
  • An explainer and organizational toolkit from Red Wine & Blue about Project... Jason Kottke

    An explainer and organizational toolkit from Red Wine & Blue about Project 2025. “It is frighteningly anti-democratic and goes against what the vast majority of Americans want for our count…

    The Other Day · 15:28
  • Kamala Harris and her views on the climate crisis. “Harris has made... Jason Kottke

    Kamala Harris and her views on the climate crisis. “Harris has made clear throughout her career that she views climate change as a significant threat.”…

    The Other Day · 14:24
  • Breaking Instruction Hierarchy in OpenAI's gpt-4o-mini Simon Willison

    Breaking Instruction Hierarchy in OpenAI's gpt-4o-mini Johann Rehberger digs further into GPT-4o's "instruction hierarchy" protection and finds that it has little impact at all on common pr…

    The Other Day · 13:51
  • Practical SVG is Now Free to Read Online Chris Coyier

    Back in 2016 I wrote a book called Practical SVG. Recently, the publisher, A Book Apart, closed shop. Now you can Read Practical SVG on the web, here on this site, for free. I always like how Mat̵…

    The Other Day · 13:49
  • News Happening Faster Than Man Can Generate Uninformed Opinions. “It’s getting harder... Jason Kottke

    News Happening Faster Than Man Can Generate Uninformed Opinions. “It’s getting harder and harder to come up with enough incoherent perspectives to meet the moment.”…

    The Other Day · 13:48
  • No More Blue Fridays Simon Willison

    No More Blue Fridays Brendan Gregg: "In the future, computers will not crash due to bad software updates, even those updates that involve kernel code. In the future, these updates will push eBPF…

    The Other Day · 12:33