Git on Snow Leopard

02 Nov 2009

I've had a GitHub account for months, but I've yet to use it. After I mentionined on Twitter that I might start using it, the response was very positive. People really love Git and GitHub both.

Unsurprisingly, my Mac didn't already have git. (It's not part of the developer tools either.) GitHub has a nice help page on installing it, including one specifically on compiling from source. I chose the latter.

GitHub's help page on compiling from source is thorough enough to make it seem complicated. To show just how simple it is, here's exactly what I did:

  1. curl -O
  2. tar -xvzf git-
  3. cd git-
  4. make prefix=/usr/local
  5. sudo make install prefix=/usr/local

GitHub provides very helpful instructions when you create a new project. For my new getFavicon project, the instructions were as follows:

  1. mkdir getFavicon
  2. cd getFavicon
  3. git init
  4. touch README
  5. git add README
  6. git commit -m 'first commit'
  7. git remote add origin
  8. git push origin master

If only discovering favicons were this easy! :-)