Women in Technology
04 Sep 2007Earlier today, my editor and friend Tatiana Apandi launched Women in Technology, a series on the O'Reilly Network that she describes as follows:
This series is comprised of articles written by women on the topic of "Women in Technology," which will run through September. My hope is that the myriad of experiences you read about here will showcase how valuable it is to hear from different women at all stages of their careers and lives.
Whenever a minority group pops up, a few people understandably question its purpose and ask why there isn't a similar majority group. Tatiana addresses these types of questions, albeit indirectly:
Whether you believe that there is gender inequality within the tech community that we should all work to improve or if you think that there are no issues at all, one underlying truth is that we should support each other as individuals.
Similar groups have been popping up in recent years. Two groups that come to mind are Debian Women, a group started in 2004 that now seems defunct, and PHP Women.
Members of PHP Women can be found on #phpc as well as in attendance at some of the major PHP and open source conferences.
There is currently an article on Social Engineering, and since this series is only planned for the month of September, there should be a steady stream of content on its way.
Best of luck, Tatiana.