Tragedy Strikes One of PHP's Own

06 Feb 2006

A little more than a week ago, I received an email from Robert Peake. According to the subject, it was a reply to an ongoing discussion we had been having. The contents of the email, however, were tragic. Robert and his wife had just lost their first-born son, James Valentine Peake.

This news hit me hard. I replied to his email, trying to put into words the sympathy I felt for him and his family, but expressing such things isn't easy. I hesitated to share the news, because I know different people handle tragedy in different ways. Some appreciate the support of friends and family, and some prefer to mourn in isolation.

Just before the weekend, Robert shared the sad news himself:

James Valentine Peake was born on Tuesday, January 24th by emergency Caesarian section. He lived only three days, and died in my arms on Friday, January 27th.

If you know Robert, please take a moment to send him a message of support, and let this remind us all of the important things in life.