Blood, Sweat, and Swear: Terry Chay on Pro-PHP Podcast
15 Aug 2006I just finished listening to Terry Chay on the Pro-PHP Podcast. Terry never hesitates to share his opinion, and it's always fun to listen to a smart guy who is passionate about what he does. You're also sure to walk away with several new quotes, such as "blood, sweat, and swear" being the key ingredients of web application development. Terry also speaks a bit about Ruby:
Ruby is really good at what it does. The problem is, for what Ruby does really well, I can download Wordpress. [Ruby is] really good at building those apps that have already been built before. PHP is good at finding out what the next Wordpress is.
On Terry's blog, he also comments on the podcast itself and the positive impact Marcus has had on the community:
The community is so disjointed because you have so many people working on so many things. From core C coding (The PHP Group), to business services and CYA documents (Zend), to consulting (OmniTI), to developers of open source and closed source application software and services. What PHP Podcast does is provide the sense of community that connects those disparate groups together.
The interview with Terry Chay is available from the Pro-PHP Podcast site.